[In 2023, the printing and dyeing industry gradually recovers but still faces challenges]
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The printing and dyeing industry will gradually recover in 2023

Since 2023, the production situation of the printing and dyeing industry has gradually improved, but it still faces some challenges. The recovery of terminal demand is slow, the production cost has increased significantly, coupled with the occurrence of uncertain factors at home and abroad, resulting in the overall operating rate of printing and dyeing enterprises at a low level.

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to September 2023, the output of printing and dyeing cloth of enterprises above designated size in the printing and dyeing industry was 40.975 billion meters, an increase of 0.84%, and the growth rate fell by 0.82 percentage points compared with the first half of the year. From January to September, the operating income of printing and dyeing enterprises above designated size was 216.028 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 0.90%, and a decrease of 2.38 percentage points compared with the first half of the year; The total profit was 7.434 billion yuan, down 12.23% year-on-year and 12.11 percentage points narrower than that in the first half of the year. This shows that in the first three quarters, the production situation of the printing and dyeing industry has gradually improved, and the industry is gradually recovering, but the industry profit is still under pressure.

In addition, exports maintained a growth trend, but the volume of major products rose and prices fell. This means that although the export volume of printing and dyeing products has increased, the export income of enterprises may not have increased significantly due to the decline in prices.

Overall, the current printing and dyeing enterprises are working overtime to busy production, a busy year ago, one is to show that the market will pick up in 2024, and the second also shows that the enterprise is preparing for the New Year, indicating that the market is optimistic about the market forecast for the next year.

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